ASDCO - Association of State Dam Safety Officials
AWRA - American Water Resources Association
AWWA - American Water Works Association
Bell Museum of Natural History - The Watershed Game
Bridge - Oceanic Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center
EduGreen - A resource about water and the environment from India
FWEE - Foundation for Water and Energy Education
GLOBE - Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
Global Water - Developing safe water projects worldwide
IAPWS - International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Lifewater International - Providing water-resources support to the rural poor
Lifewater Canada - Well drilling and handpumps for safe drinking water
NGWA - National Ground Water Association
OCC - Ohio Consumers' Counsel water page
Orpheum Children's Science Museum, Champaign, IL
Project WET - Water Education for Teachers
SWCS - Soil and Water Conservation Society
UWIN - Universities Water Information Network
US Water News Online
WEF (1) - Water Education Foundation
WEF (2) - Water Environment Federation
Water - Its structure and importance
WaterWiser - The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse
WOW - Water on the Web
World Water Forum