

Drinking water research page for health canada and water educationDoulton / H2O International Inc.
Presents: Water Research Links
This page is dedicated to drinking water research, water research, research, information, water information, training, government, usg, epa, wqa, health, usa, canada, drinking, reports, education, water testing

We appologize if any of the links are inactive and ask that you use our automated email to advise us.
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Health Canada Homepage- Excellent site, good links, general data, access to order publications
Environment Canada - Excellent site, good links, general data, access to order publications
Health Canada - Chlorination Discussion
Health Canada - Giardia (Beaver Fever), Cysts, Discussion
Environmental Health Program. Good Gateway page to all Enviro Health Pages
Order site for Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, Sixth Edition
Water Treatment Devices - Simple Info
Bottled Water information and Q&A site
Main page for the USA government Environmental Protection Agency. Very large site, easy to navigate, Can be very slow to load on older modems but generally worth the wait.
USGS Fact Sheets listed by Environmental Theme. USGS activities in the environment theme area include studies of natural physical, chemical, and biological processes, and of the results of human actions; the goal is to provide the understanding and scientific information needed to recognize and mitigate adverse impacts and to sustain the environment.
Water Resources of the United States. Main Page, huge site
A USGS water education website. Excellent site, bit slow for older modems.
This will bring you to each state's NWIS-W page, which has data and summaries for stations in that state.
Water Quality Association Main Page. Very slow for older modems.
Water Technology Online - Good industry publication. Has internal links to products of their advertisers
Question and Answer Bulletin Board run by Water Technology Online
ARTICLES WITHIN THIS WEBSITE - These are links from our dedicated "HEALTH TOPICS" page


1. A Link to Alzheimer's In our Drinking Water?
2. IS THERE A LINK BETWEEN ALZHEIMER'S AND ALUMINUM?Newspaper Article on Dr. Harold Foster by Katherine Dedyna Oct 10, 2000

Asbestos - It's in our water!

Chlorine - I thought it was good!

Cryptosporidium - Beaver Fever - Giardia - Real Pests in your Drinking Water

Dispatch#60 - Health Protection Q & A

Drinking Water Away From Home - Health Protection Branch

Health & Water - Why Drink Water?

Lead - The Problem and Solutions

Hog Manure - Economic Boom or Water Quality Nightmare

RV Dilemma - How to look after your drinking water while on the road

Silver - General Information on Nature's Purifier

1. Vol 3, Number 5, May 73 - Silver Carbon Filter Purifies Swimming Pool
2. Vol 3, Number 5, May 73 - Silver Cleans Up Polluted Water
3. Vol 5, Number 5, May 75 - Silver Guards Good Health
4. Vol 5, Number 5, May 75 - German Purifies Swimming Pool with Silver
5. Vol 6, Number 3, Mar 76 - Winged Ferry to Shuttle between Earth and Space
6. Vol 6, Number 11, Dec 76 - Test Show Silver Best Water Purifier

Urgent - Medical quotes

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