Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations and Compositions, and
Trihalomethane Formation Potentials in Waters from Agricultural Peat Soils,
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: Implications for Drinking-Water
QualityBy Roger Fujii, Anthony J. Ranalli, George R. Aiken, and
Brian A. Bergamaschi
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4147
Prepared in cooperation with the California Department of Water Resources
Sacramento, California, 1998
Abstract Introduction Description of Study
Site and Study Design Dissolved Organic Carbon
Concentrations Composition and Reactivity
of Dissolved Organic Carbon Summary and
Conclusions References Cited Appendices Figures Tables Conversion Factors,
Abbreviations, and Acronyms
Water exported from the Sacramento-San Joaquin
River delta (Delta) is an important drinking-water source for more than 20
million people in California. At times, this water contains elevated
concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and bromide, and exceeds the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's maximum contaminant level for trihalomethanes
of 0.100 milligrams per liter if chlorinated for drinking water. About 20 to 50
percent of the trihalomethane precursors to Delta waters originates from
drainage water from peat soils on Delta islands. This report elucidates some of
the factors and processes controlling and affecting the concentration and
quality of dissolved organic carbon released from peat soils and relates the
propensity of dissolved organic carbon to form trihalomethanes to its chemical
Soil water was sampled from near-surface, oxidized, well-decomposed peat soil
(upper soil zone) and deeper, reduced, fibrous peat soil (lower soil zone) from
one agricultural field in the west central Delta over 1 year. Concentrations of
dissolved organic carbon in the upper soil zone were highly variable, with
median concentrations ranging from 46.4 to 83.2 milligrams per liter.
Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in samples from the lower soil zone
were much less variable and generally slightly higher than samples from the
upper soil zone, with median concentrations ranging from 49.3 to 82.3 milligrams
per liter.
The dissolved organic carbon from the lower soil zone had significantly
higher aromaticity (as measured by specific ultraviolet absorbance) and
contained significantly greater amounts of aromatic humic substances (as
measured by XAD resin fractionation and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
analysis of XAD isolates) than the dissolved organic carbon from the upper soil
zone. These results support the conclusion that more aromatic forms of dissolved
organic carbon are produced under anaerobic conditions compared to aerobic
Dissolved organic carbon concentration, trihalomethane formation potential,
and ultraviolet absorbance were all highly correlated, showing that
trihalomethane precursors increased with increasing dissolved organic carbon and
ultraviolet absorbance for whole water samples. Contrary to the generally
accepted conceptual model for trihalomethane formation that assumes that
aromatic forms of carbon are primary precursors to trihalomethanes, results from
this study indicate that dissolved organic carbon aromaticity appears unrelated
to trihalomethane formation on a carbon-normalized basis. Thus, dissolved
organic carbon aromaticity alone cannot fully explain or predict trihalomethane
precursor content, and further investigation of aromatic and nonaromatic forms
of carbon will be needed to better identify trihalomethane precursors.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
(fig. 1), hereafter referred to as the Delta, supplies drinking water to more
than 20 million people in California. Delta waters contain elevated
concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and bromide (Br) and can, at
times, exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) maximum
contaminant level (MCL) for trihalomethanes (THMs) of 0.100 milligrams per liter
(mg/L) (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994) if chlorinated for drinking
water Amy and others, 1990; California Department of Water Resources, 1994a).
This constraint will become more stringent when stage one of the
Disinfectant-Disinfection Byproducts rule is implemented (originally scheduled
for June 1998), under which the MCL for THMs will be decreased to 0.080 mg/L
(Pontius, 1991; Means and Krasner, 1993).
![Figure 1.]()
Figure 1.
Location of the study area, Twitchell Island, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta,
Drainage water from Delta islands is estimated to contribute from 20 to 50
percent of the DOC contributing to the formation of THMs (THM precursors) in
water samples collected at the H.O. Banks pumping plant (Amy and others, 1990;
California Department of Water Resources, 1990). The H.O. Banks pumping plant is
one of the primary diversion points from the Delta for drinking-water supply.
The release of DOC from organic peat soils is believed to be the primary source
of the DOC and THM precursors to the island drainage water from Delta islands
(Amy and others, 1990; California Department of Water Resources, 1994a),
although other carbon sources, such as recent crop residue and microbial
biomass, also contribute to DOC releases. Island drainage water is pumped over
the levees and into the channel waters of the Delta.
Organic soils in the Delta developed primarily from the accumulation of
decaying plant material in this once tidal wetland during the last 10,000 years
(Atwater and others, 1977; Atwater, 1980). Decomposition of the organic material
by bacteria, fungi, and other organisms has contributed to the formation of the
peat soils present on Delta islands, up to 60 feet (ft) deep in some areas
(California Department of Water Resources, 1993). By the mid-1800's, settlers
began farming the rich organic soils of the Delta, and, by 1869, extensive levee
systems were built around Sherman and Twitchell Islands (California Department
of Water Resources, 1993) to allow for the expansion of agriculture. Reclamation
of Delta islands for agricultural purposes continued into the 1920's, and
agriculture accounts for about 70 percent of the current land-use in the Delta
(Templin and Cherry, 1997).
Reclamation of Delta islands by the construction of levees and the dewatering
of soils for agricultural production has increased the exposure of organic soils
to oxygen, resulting in subsidence of the land. Microbial oxidation of the peat
soils is the predominant process that contributes to the loss of land-surface
elevation in the Delta (Rojstaczer and Deverel, 1993, 1995; Deverel and
Rojstaczer, 1996; Deverel and others, 1998); parts of the Delta are more than 20
ft below sea level (California Department of Water Resources, 1993). The
resulting large difference between Delta channel water levels and island
land-surface elevation increases hydraulic pressures on levees, increasing the
probability of levee failure and also requiring the pumping of large volumes of
drainage water off the islands to maintain ground-water levels below crop root
Ground-water levels under the Twitchell Island agricultural field studied for
this report are maintained at about 3 ft below land surface under nonflooded and
nonirrigated conditions, resulting in a vertical oxygen gradient within the soil
profile--aerobic at the surface, transitioning to anaerobic below the water
table. Under these contrasting redox conditions, microbial decomposition of the
soil organic matter (SOM) differs. Under aerobic conditions, microorganisms
decompose SOM at much faster rates, with carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water (H2O) as their metabolic end products. Under anaerobic
conditions, bacterial decomposition rates of SOM are much slower and result in
reduced compounds such as gaseous nitrogen (N2), hydrogen sulfide
(H2S), and methane (CH4) [depending on the availability of
oxidized forms of nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), and carbon (C) as terminal electron
acceptors] as their metabolic end products (Stevenson, 1985, 1994; Tate, 1987).
Under both redox conditions, decomposition of SOM releases carbon that is
potentially available to the aqueous phase. These contrasting decomposition
pathways result in two soil layers that grade from one to the other. The surface
and near-surface soils form an oxidized, well-decomposed, organic soil layer.
Below the water table, deeper than about 4 ft below land surface, is a reduced,
fibrous peat soil layer that is much less decomposed. The chemical
characteristics of the different organic compounds released to the aqueous phase
under these different redox conditions are discussed in detail in the
Composition and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Carbon section of this report.
Organic matter derived from different sources (for example, historically
accumulated peat and recent agricultural inputs) and affected by different
processes (for example, decomposition under varying redox conditions) has
distinctive chemical characteristics associated with those materials and
processes. The DOC released from SOM is a complex, heterogeneous mixture of a
multitude of organic compounds whose chemical characteristics and reactivity are
the result of all of the factors (organic matter sources, land-use practices,
hydrology, and so forth) and biogeochemical processes (microbial decomposition,
redox reactions, sorption to solids, and so forth) affecting DOC within the
system (Aiken and Cotsaris, 1995). Throughout the Delta, these factors and
processes vary spatially, and the DOC produced varies in composition and
reactivity. Thus, not all DOC in drainage water is the same, and not all organic
compounds react in the same way or to the same degree. This underlying premise
must be considered when assessing the origin of THM precursors in the Delta.
The primary focus of this study was to evaluate the concentration and
composition of DOC released from the soil and in drainage water from one
agricultural field on Twitchell Island in the Delta (fig. 2) and to
relate the DOC composition to its propensity to form THMs.
The purpose of this report is to transfer information and understanding of
the results of the DOC/THM drainage-water study to the cooperator and other
water-resource managers. The report focuses on data and interpretation of the
more salient aspects of the DOC/THM drainage-water study, and many of the
details regarding methods and additional data are in the appendices.
Appendix A reports sample collection methods and the analytical results from the
DWR Bryte Laboratory. The DOC, ultraviolet absorbance (UVA) at 254 nanometers
(nm), specific UVA (SUVA or UVA/DOC), and analytical methods for samples
analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are presented in appendix B.
C describes the methods and results of the DOC fractionation and isolation
techniques using XAD resins. The methods and data for THM formation potential of
selected whole-water samples and DOC isolates (fractionated using XAD resins)
analyzed by the USGS are presented in appendix D.
E presents methods and results of liquid-state carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
resonance (13C-NMR) analyses of selected XAD fractionation isolates, solid-state
13C-NMR analyses of selected DOC isolates, and preliminary analysis of two soil
samples by solid-state 13C-NMR. Appendix F presents DOC, SUVA, and other
water-quality data for three wetland-habitat test ponds.
This study was done by the USGS in cooperation with the California Department
of Water Resources (DWR) Municipal Water Quality Investigation Program and is
part of the USGS National Drinking Water Initiative.
agricultural field on Twitchell Island in the west-central Delta (fig. 2) was chosen
for the study. Corn was grown in the field during 1996 as well as during the
previous several years. Corn is one of the predominant crops grown in the Delta,
and the field was chosen to represent a typical land-use practice in the Delta.
Soil at the site is classified as a Rindge muck, with oxidized, well-decomposed
peat dominating from the surface to about 2 ft below land surface, and reduced,
fibrous peat dominating below about 3.5 to 4 ft. Soils at the site contain high
concentrations of SOM. Concentrations of soil organic carbon (soil organic
matter is approximately equivalent to twice the soil organic carbon
concentrations) at sites where lysimeter and piezometer samplers were installed
(described in the following paragraph) ranged from 18.3 to 27.7 percent carbon
for near-surface soils (0.5 to 1.5 ft below land surface), from 25.2 to 36.9
percent carbon for soils from 4.5 to 6.0 ft below land surface, and from 24.3 to
38.6 percent carbon from 6.0 to 7.0 ft below land surface. In November 1995,
after the irrigation season and before the winter rains, the water table was
about 3.0 to 3.5 ft below land surface.
Three pairs of stainless steel lysimeters and piezometers were installed at
the northwestern end of the field (fig. 2), spaced
about 40 to 80 ft apart. The lysimeters were installed from 0.5 to 1.5 ft below
land surface to sample soil water influenced by the oxidized, well-decomposed
peat soil layer (upper soil zone, USZ) (fig. 3). The
piezometers were installed from 4.5 to 6.5 ft below land surface to sample
ground water associated with the reduced, fibrous peat soil layer (lower soil
zone, LSZ). Placement of the lysimeters and piezometers was designed to sample
DOC released from soils influenced mainly by aerobic and anaerobic soil
microbial decomposition processes, respectively. The samplers were installed
parallel to and about 50 ft south of the ditch that drains the field, and their
placement was intended to capture water draining from the field to the ditch.
Four pairs of lysimeters and piezometers were initially installed in the
field. During installation of the lysimeter and piezometer at site 3, water was
filling the borehole from an opening about 2 ft below land surface. It appeared
that this represented a direct connection from the ditch draining the field to
the borehole, either a channel in the peat or a rodent hole. Water-quality
results from Lysimeter 3 and Piezometer 3 supported this observation. The
results indicated that the quality (DOC and specific conductance) of water
sampled at this site was considerably different from the other three sites and
was similar to the quality of water in the drainage ditch. It was concluded that
soil water sampled at site 3 was being significantly influenced by water
originating from the drainage ditch and did not represent water that was
influenced mainly by surrounding peat. Therefore, sampling from this site was
discontinued and results for Lysimeter 3 and Piezometer 3 are not included in
this report.
Lack of available water in the unsaturated zone for much of the year greatly
hindered using the lysimeters to sample soil water in the USZ. Although
lysimeters are designed to sample unsaturated soil, obtaining sufficient water
for all the analyses was difficult, except when the field was intentionally
flooded in February 1996. Even during the period when the field was irrigated,
sample volumes obtained from the lysimeters were small, which limited the types
of analyses done. In contrast, piezometers, which were installed below the water
table, supplied ample water for analyses.
Hydrologic Framework for Study DesignA simplified conceptual hydrologic
model (fig. 4)
provides the framework for interpreting the DOC data for the agricultural field.
The study began after the field was intentionally flooded (fig. 4a) in
February 1996. The ditch draining the field was plugged, and water from the
ditch overflowed into the field, flooding the field to about 3 ft above land
surface in the area where the lysimeters and piezometers were located. The
drainage ditch supplies water to the field for winter flooding and receives
drainage from the field and from fields to the east. Because of the multiple
roles of the ditch, the water flooding the field was from a combination of
sources: irrigation water siphoned from the San Joaquin River, precipitation
accumulating in the ditch and falling directly on the field, and water
originating from fields to the east that contribute water to the ditch.
Prior to flooding, precipitation during late December 1995 and early January
1996 began saturating the soils and leaching accumulated salts and DOC toward
the water table and laterally toward the drainage ditch. When intentional
flooding began (fig.
4a), most water probably moved downward, saturating the soil and releasing
carbon from the soil, thereby increasing interstitial DOC concentrations in the
USZ and LSZ with time.
The field was drained in March after 1 month of flooding. During this period,
water transported DOC from the field to the ditch (fig. 4b). Following
draining, the field was plowed and corn was planted in June. The crop was first
irrigated in mid-July, after which irrigation water was applied at various
intervals until September 5. After the field was drained and during the
cropping/irrigation period (fig. 4c), the
near-surface soil went through periods of wetting and drying, resulting in
considerable variations in soil moisture. Under conditions of variable soil
moisture and relatively high temperatures, it was assumed that microbial
activity varied, and reached periods of maximum activity in surface and
near-surface soils, which most likely released large amounts of available
Corn was harvested in mid-October and the field was left fallow (fig. 4d). In the
near-surface soils, microbial activity continued to release available carbon
from the peat soil, and evaporation increased the levels of soil salinity during
this period. Small amounts of precipitation occurred in early December 1996 and
large amounts occurred at the end of December and in early January 1997, which
caused flooding throughout northern California and the Delta. Final sampling of
the field took place in early January. Near-surface soil salinity was high at
this time, with specific conductance values as high as 6,780 microsiemens per
centimeter (mS/cm) (fig. 5), reflecting
dissolution of accumulated salts.
Sampling and Analytical ApproachLysimeters, piezometers, and the ditch
draining the field were sampled monthly to assess the DOC released from the two
soil zones and the drainage from the field. In addition, samples were collected
weekly during the intentional flooding period, from the beginning of February to
the beginning of March. Samples were analyzed for DOC and UVA by the USGS using
the methods described in appendix B.
Specific conductance and pH of water samples were measured in the field. Samples
for which enough water was available also were analyzed for DOC, UVA, Br,
trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP), major cations [calcium (Ca),
magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and potassium (K)], and major anions [chloride (Cl)
and sulfate (SO4)] by the DWR Bryte Laboratory (California Department
of Water Resources, 1994b).
In August, additional analyses were added to better assess redox conditions
and THMFP. Flow-through chamber measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and
platinum-electrode redox potential (Pt-electrode Eh) were made on the piezometer
samples. Ground water was pumped through the airtight, flow-through chamber
(fitted with DO, Pt-electrode, and pH probes) from the bottom to exclude any
air, thus permitting measurement of these parameters while minimizing the
influence of atmospheric gases.
For seven of the samplings, additional water samples were collected to
characterize the DOC in more detail (DOC fractionation and analysis of isolated
fractions). These samplings included the beginning and end of the intentional
flooding period (February 6 and March 11, 1996), after flooding but before
irrigation (June 19, 1996), at the beginning and in the middle of the irrigation
period (July 17 and August 4, 1996), before the winter rains (November 13,
1996), and during winter rains but before flooding (January 2, 1997). We
hypothesized that these periods would provide critical information regarding DOC
quality for periods when drainage water production and DOC loads would be
greatest and when microbial generation of available carbon in soils would be
During previous studies in the Delta, DOC, UVA, and THMFP were measured in an
attempt to develop relations to predict or estimate THMFP. SUVA (UVA/DOC) is a
spectroscopic measurement that estimates the molecular, aromatic structure of
the bulk DOC, normalized to carbon, in a water sample; the aromatic part of DOC
is believed to contain the major precursors of THMs (Rook, 1976, 1977; Reckow
and others, 1990). However, simple linear correlations among DOC, SUVA, and
THMFP (on a molar basis) for drainage and channel waters from throughout the
Delta have not resulted in useful predictive relations, even though some
correlations were significant for specific regions or units in the Delta
(California Department of Water Resources, 1994a). These results indicate that
the nature and character of the DOC resulting from drainage in different parts
of the Delta vary, influenced by differing conditions throughout the Delta.
Sources of carbon (peat vs. recent vegetation) and the relative amounts of
organic and mineral soils present in the different regions are important factors
that cause the differences in DOC quality and quantity. These factors contribute
to the lack of correlation on a regional scale among DOC, SUVA, and THMFP in
drainage and channel waters.
The general approach in this study was to examine the chemical variability of
the DOC released from the two soil zones and in the drainage ditch over the
course of a year for one agricultural field and to relate the chemical character
of the DOC to its propensity to form THMs. This approach should help discern the
effects of redox conditions and land- and water-management practices on DOC
quantity, quality, and reactivity with respect to the formation of THMs. In
addition to measuring DOC, UVA, and THMFP of the whole-water samples, DOC for
seven selected samples (described previously) were fractionated and isolated
using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins. Amberlite XAD resins are nonionic macroporous
copolymers with large surface areas that have been used by many investigators to
sorb organic acids such as humic substances (Aiken, 1985). This method divides
the DOC into operationally defined organic acid fractions extracted by XAD-8 and
XAD-4 resins (fig.
6) (Aiken and others, 1992) and provides valuable information about the
types of organic constituents present in the bulk sample.
The part of the DOC extracted by the XAD-8 resin and eluted with base [0.1
molar (M) sodium hydroxide (NaOH)] represents the hydrophobic acid (HPOA)
fraction that can contain aliphatic carboxylic acids of five to nine carbons,
one- and two-ring aromatic carboxylic acids, one- and two-ring phenols, and
other humic substances (Aiken and others, 1992). This fraction contains humic
and fulvic acids that contain the more aromatic compounds and are considered the
primary reactive component of DOC contributing to the formation of THMs and
other disinfection byproducts (DBPs) (Amy and others, 1990; Reckow and others,
1990; Owen and others, 1993). The part of DOC extracted by the XAD-4 resin and
eluted with base (0.1 M NaOH) represents the hydrophilic acid (HPIA)
fraction that contains polyfunctional organic acids and aliphatic acids with
five or fewer carbon atoms (Aiken and others, 1992). This fraction contains
fewer aromatic compounds; therefore, it should contain relatively fewer THM and
DBP precursors compared to the HPOA fraction.
The DOC was further characterized by examining selected isolates in more
detail. The SUVA of HPOA and HPIA isolates provided an initial evaluation of
their aromaticity. The THMFPs of the isolates provided a direct assessment of
the relative contributions of the HPOA and HPIA fractions to the whole-water
THMFP. Liquid- and solid-state 13C-NMR analyses provided a
quantitative and qualitative assessment of structural and functional group
composition of the isolates, and this information--in particular the aromatic
carbon content--was used to further assess (on a relative basis) the probable
THM precursors contained in each fraction.
Statistical comparisons of differences between lysimeter and piezometer DOC,
SUVA, THMFP, specific trihalomethane formation potential (STHMFP), and HPOA and
HPIA related parameters used the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test for population
medians (Helsel and Hirsch, 1992).
Interpretation of
the DOC data is in the context of the simplified, conceptual, hydrologic model
discussed previously and depicted in figure 4. These interpretations are
conceptual and somewhat speculative because of the lack of hydrologic
information necessary to determine water flow and transport of DOC within this
hydrologic system.
Upper Soil ZoneThe lysimeters sampled interstitial water from the USZ
(0.5 to 1.5 ft below land surface), where the peat soil is usually oxidized,
well decomposed, and usually unsaturated with respect to soil moisture (except
during winter precipitation and flooding and summer irrigation). Distribution of
DOC concentrations for the lysimeter samples from February 2, 1996, through
January 2, 1997, are plotted in figure 7. For samples collected while the field
was intentionally flooded (February 6, 14, and 22), DOC concentrations
consistently increased, with median DOC concentrations increasing from 51.9 to
61.0 mg/L. These slight increases reflect the release of available carbon from
the soil to the aqueous phase under flooded conditions.
After the field was drained (March 1), lysimeter DOC concentrations increased
during March, April, and May, with the median DOC concentration for replicate
samples reaching 73.9 mg/L in May (fig. 7). During
this period (post-leaching/pre-irrigation) (fig. 4b), the soils
became drier and temperatures increased, creating conditions conducive to
increased microbial activity and the release of DOC. Results of previous studies
of gaseous CO2 fluxes from peat soils (indicative of microbial
activity) on Twitchell Island indicate that fluxes increased with increasing
temperature, and the highest fluxes occurred at soil moisture content ranging
from about 20 to 30 percent on a volume basis (Deverel and others, 1998). A
decrease in soil moisture in June may have resulted in near-surface conditions
dry enough (<20 percent by volume) to decrease microbial activity, thereby
decreasing available DOC in the USZ.
The first irrigation of the field began on July 13. This field was irrigated
using "spud ditches," a common method for irrigation in the Delta. Spud ditches
are temporary ditches that are trenched approximately 1-ft wide and 2- to 3-ft
deep and run parallel to the length of the field and perpendicular to the ditch
draining the field. Water was siphoned from the San Joaquin River into the
ditches that convey irrigation water to the southern end of the field where the
spud ditches were filled. Water in the spud ditches took about 3 days to reach
the drainage ditch at the north end of the field, during which time water flowed
laterally from the spud ditches and increased the moisture content of the
near-surface soil. The DOC concentrations in the USZ for the July 17 sampling
(median DOC of 52.7 mg/L) increased slightly compared to the June sampling
(median DOC of 46.4 mg/L) (fig. 7), probably
reflecting the initial wetting of the soil and the release of DOC.
Between July 13, when irrigation of the field began, and September 5, when
irrigation for the season ended, there were four irrigation periods that
resulted in varying degrees of water saturation of the near-surface soils.
Decreases in specific conductance of the lysimeter samples during the irrigation
period reflect the dilution of soil salinity by the applied irrigation water (fig. 5). The
variable moisture content of the near-surface soils caused difficulties in
obtaining samples from lysimeters, resulting in the collection of DOC samples
from only one lysimeter during both the August 14 and August 21 samplings (fig. 7).
Spatial variability in soil moisture and soil organic matter seems to have
contributed to large differences in DOC concentrations between lysimeter samples
on each of the samplings in September, October, and November (fig. 7). For each
of these sampling dates, only two lysimeters produced enough water for DOC
measurements, and the differences between the lysimeter DOC concentrations were
large. Lysimeter 1 DOC concentrations increased during this period from 91.7 to
a maximum of 128 mg/L, the highest concentration of DOC detected during this
study. In contrast, lysimeter 2 yielded DOC concentrations of 42.9 and 41.7 mg/L
for the September and October samplings, and lysimeter 4 had a concentration of
only 38.1 mg/L in November. These large differences most likely reflect the
variability in soil moisture between sites while the field was drying
(irrigation was terminated on September 5). Lysimeter 1 is located at the lowest
point in the field (the northwest corner), and almost always had the wettest
soil conditions. These relatively wet conditions during this period undoubtedly
created soil-moisture conditions that favored increased microbial activity and
contributed to the much higher DOC concentrations observed for lysimeter 1.
Considerable amounts of precipitation fell during the month of December 1996
and the beginning of January 1997 resulting in flooding throughout the Delta and
northern California. Concentrations of DOC in the lysimeter samples (January 2,
1997; fig. 7)
were much less variable, most likely reflecting the mixing of near-surface soil
water and the torrential rains that occurred just prior to and during the
Lower Soil ZoneThe piezometers allowed sampling of ground water from
the LSZ (4.5 to 6.5 ft below land surface) where the peat soil usually is
reduced and fibrous (less decomposed). Analysis of redox parameters did not
begin until August 1996 during the irrigation period. Available DO data for
piezometers indicate low concentrations of DO; the highest concentration was
0.38 mg/L (fig.
8). These low DO concentrations generally indicate anaerobic, reduced
conditions. Actual ground-water DO concentrations probably were lower because
small amounts of oxygen contamination, caused by oxygen diffusion through tubing
and around probe fittings, can affect readings at these low DO levels. Redox
potential data also indicate anoxic conditions, with Eh values ranging from
about 88 to 310 millivolts (mV) (fig. 9). Although
many factors complicate the accuracy of Pt-electrode Eh measurements (for
example, relative rates of electron transfer reactions at the electrode
surface), the range of these measurements is far below the value (800 mV at pH
7) where depletion of oxygen (O2) in soils is expected (Bohn and others, 1985).
Thus, both DO and redox potential data clearly indicate that the LSZ contained
anaerobic and relatively reduced ground water.
Although median DOC concentrations were similar for many piezometer samples
(fig. 10) and
lysimeter samples (fig. 7) for the
same sampling dates, the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test for population medians
(Helsel and Hirsch, 1992) indicated that median DOC concentrations in the LSZ
(piezometer samples) (fig. 10) were
significantly higher (a=0.05) than those in the USZ (lysimeter samples) (fig. 7). These
differences are apparent for periods when the field was intentionally flooded
(February) until the field was irrigated (July) and for the winter sampling in
January 1997 (figs.
7 and 10).
The piezometers were installed to sample mainly ground water, but the
ground-water table fluctuated, and the water quality varied in response to water
management and flow in the field. Concentrations of DOC in samples from the
piezometer during the intentional flooding period indicated a slight increase
for piezometer samples from February 6-14 (fig. 10). After
the field was drained (March 1), median DOC concentrations in the LSZ increased
for the March, April, and May samplings to a high of 82.0 mg/L in May (fig. 10). During
this period, the soils above the water table were becoming less saturated, and
microbial decomposition of SOM may have contributed additional carbon to the
ground water.
After irrigation began (July 13), DOC concentrations in piezometer samples
reached their lowest median concentration of 49.3 mg/L on July 17 (fig. 10).
Subsurface irrigation through spud ditches apparently allowed water low in DOC
(2 mg/L) to rapidly migrate downward through the highly permeable peat soils
(J.L. Meyer and A.B. Carlton, University of California, written commun., 1975;
Delta organic soil salinity and nutrient status study: Report of laboratory
analyses, progress report by the University of California Agricultural Extension
to the California Department of Water Resources) and to dilute the ambient
ground-water DOC concentrations. The effect of dilution on specific conductance
also is apparent in the piezometer samples taken during and after the irrigation
period (fig.
For the remainder of the irrigation season (irrigation ceased on September 5)
and through the October sampling, DOC concentrations in piezometer samples were
variable (fig.
10), reflecting a combination of irrigation-influenced processes. In most
cases, median DOC concentrations in lysimeter samples exceeded median DOC
concentrations in piezometer samples. In the short term, application of
irrigation water with low DOC concentrations tends to decrease DOC in the soil
zone, thus influencing the piezometer samples, as discussed previously. During
the longer term irrigation period, irrigation cycles cause wetting and drying of
soils above the water table thus creating variable conditions for microbial
decomposition of SOM and the release and transport of available carbon. These
complex hydrologic and microbially related processes both act to produce the
high variability in DOC concentrations observed during this period.
In contrast, piezometer samples collected during November and January were
much less variable (fig. 10). This
decreased variability in DOC following the irrigation season probably reflects
the lack of irrigation-induced alternating wetting and drying cycles and the
associated effect on DOC concentrations.
Water flux and DOC transport data would have aided interpretation of DOC
concentration trends in the USZ and LSZ and allowed estimates of DOC loading to
the drainage ditch. This, however, was beyond the scope of this
Drainage DitchConcentrations of DOC in all samples from the drainage
ditch ranged from 9.8 to 54.9 mg/L (fig. 12) and were
always lower than the median concentrations for either the lysimeter or the
piezometer samples (figs. 7 and 10). These results
reflect the various sources of water to the ditch: drainage from the study
field, drainage from fields east of the study site, water siphoned from the San
Joaquin River, precipitation, and water from the main drainage canal on the
island that can back up when pumping from the island is shut down. This
combination of sources to the ditch complicate the interpretation of the origin
of DOC concentrations in the ditch and make it extremely difficult to estimate
the contributions of DOC from the two soil zones.
The previous section discussed the release of DOC from the two
soil zones in the context of the land- and water-management practices for one
agricultural field. In addition to the concentrations of DOC produced, one of
the major goals of this study was to assess the quality of the DOC, especially
in relation to potential formation of THMs. The quality of DOC is examined in a
tiered, analytical approach that provides increasing amounts of compositional
information at each level. SUVA (UVA/DOC) provides information about the
molecular aromatic structure of the bulk DOC in a water sample and is the first
parameter used to assess DOC quality. The fractionation of bulk DOC into HPOA
and HPIA using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins, respectively, fractionates the bulk DOC
into two categories of organic compounds based on their solubility (Aiken and
others, 1992). In general, the HPOA fraction contains the humic substances
(humic and fulvic acids) and is more aromatic than the HPIA fraction, which is
more aliphatic. Selected samples of each of the isolated fractions were analyzed
for SUVA as an indicator of the aromaticity of the fraction. Selected isolates
of each fraction also were analyzed by 13C-NMR spectroscopy,
providing valuable structural and functional group information that, when taken
as a whole, can help establish the nature and source of the organic isolates.
The propensity for DOC to form THMs, as measured by the THMFP of the samples,
is examined for whole-water samples in relation to the UVA (aromaticity) of the
bulk DOC. The THMFPs of selected DOC isolates are compared to isolate
properties, as determined by SUVA and 13C-NMR, to assess reactivity
of HPOA and HPIA fractions in relation to their composition and source and to
factors affecting DOC production under the conditions studied.
Specific Ultraviolet AbsorbanceMedian SUVA values were significantly
lower (a=0.05) for the lysimeter samples (fig. 13a)
compared to the piezometer samples (fig. 13b),
indicating that DOC produced from reduced, less-decomposed peat is more aromatic
than DOC generated from oxidized peat. This result is not surprising because of
the greater abundance of aromatic carbon (phenolic compounds) generally formed
in reduced environments such as sphagnum bogs and water-logged soils compared to
well-oxygenated environments (Thurman, 1985). The SUVA values of the drainage
ditch samples generally reflect a mixture of lysimeter and piezometer samples (fig. 13c),
indicating mixed contributions of DOC from the USZ and LSZ. One exception is the
sample collected on October 23 that had the highest SUVA value (0.107 L/mg-cm)
of all ditch samples (fig. 13c) and had
a DOC concentration of only 14.9 mg/L. The source of this water with anomolously
high SUVA value is unknown.
Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Carbon into Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic
Complete DOC fractionation data for lysimeter, piezometer, and drainage ditch
samples are presented in appendix C,
table C1. For
purposes of this discussion, averaged data are used when replicate analyses were
available. The discussion focuses only on data for the HPOA and HPIA fractions,
the DOC extracted by and eluted from the XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins, respectively.
These two fractions combined account for the majority of DOC in all samples (58
to 76 percent), probably contain most of the THM precursors, and are the
fractions for which other compositional and structural data are available.
In general, the fractionation data (fig. 14) indicate
that (1) the sum of the HPOA and HPIA DOC fractions are significantly greater
for the piezometer samples compared to the lysimeter samples, indicating that
the lysimeter samples contained more DOC that was not sorbed by the resins
(probably ultra hydrophilic acids); (2) the quality of the ditch samples was
very similar to that of the piezometer samples, reflecting a potentially greater
DOC contribution to the ditch from the LSZ; and (3) the HPOA fraction for the
piezometers was significantly greater than that for the lysimeters (a=0.05),
indicating that greater amounts of humic substances were produced from the LSZ.
This result is in agreement with the SUVA data for the whole-water samples that
had significantly higher values of SUVA for the piezometer samples compared to
the lysimeter samples. Together, these results support the conclusion that more
aromatic forms of DOC are produced under anaerobic conditions (piezometer
samples) than under aerobic conditions (lysimeter samples) and imply that more
THM precursors should be produced by the LSZ under anaerobic conditions.
Trihalomethane Formation PotentialTHMFP measurements were made on water
samples using either the DWR Bryte Laboratory dose-based method or a
reactivity-based method similar to that described by Krasner and Sclimenti,
(1993). The DWR Bryte Laboratory dose-based method (referred to as the TFPC
Assay, California Department of Water Resources, 1994a) involves adding a
constant chlorine dose (120 mg/L, buffered to pH 8.2) to samples with a UVA of
less than 0.6 per centimeter (cm-1). If the UVA of a sample is
greater than 0.6 cm-1, the sample is diluted so that the UVA is less
than 0.5 cm-1. In contrast, the reactivity-based method (Krasner and
Sclimenti, 1993) applies a chlorine dose based on the DOC and NH4 concentration
of each sample (California Department of Water Resources, 1994b). The
reactivity-based THMFP method was adopted part way through the study because
Krasner and Sclimenti (1993) showed that results from the dose-based method were
highly dependent on sample dilution, whereas dilution did not affect THMFP
results for the reactivity-based method.
Samples collected from the beginning of the study through September 1996 were
analyzed by the dose-based THMFP method only, samples collected in October 1996
were analyzed by the reactivity-based THMFP method only, and 22 samples
collected from November 1996 through January 1997 were analyzed using both
methods. Dose-based and reactivity-based THMFP results for samples analyzed by
both methods were significantly correlated, R2=0.983 (fig. 15), and
indicate that the dose-based THMFP results consistently are about 11 percent
higher than the reactivity-based THMFP results. Because results of both
methods are highly correlated (indicating no dilution effect problem for the
dose-based method for these samples) and the data record for the dose-based
THMFP determinations is much longer, the results and discussion below for
whole-water sample THMFP utilize the dose-based THMFP data. The exceptions to
this are the THMFPs for samples collected on October 23, 1996, which were
analyzed by using only the reactivity-based method.
For samples collected from the USZ (lysimeter), from the LSZ (piezometer),
and from the drainage ditch, the linear relation between DOC and THMFP
(R2=0.864) (fig. 16) is
excellent. The variance about the regression line in figure 16 indicates the
variability in DOC quality and composition in relation to THM precursors. This
high correlation most likely is due to the predominance of peat as the major
source of DOC. In other systems that are not as homogeneous (for example,
systems that contain more diverse sources of DOC or higher amounts of mineral
soil), such a high correlation would not be expected. For example, Owen and
others (1993) examined seven different source waters from throughout the United
States and found poor correlation between DOC and THMFP (R2<0.50).
Although the correlation is high for samples from this study, use of DOC to
predict THMFP could lead to considerable error in estimating THMFP, especially
at higher DOC concentrations. For example, the regression equation predicts a
THMFP of 67 micromolar (然) (8,200 痢/L) for a sample containing about 85 mg/L
DOC. For this DOC concentration, actual THMFP concentrations range from about 57
然 (7,000 痢/L) to 78 然 (9,500 痢/L) (fig. 16). Thus,
use of this relation to predict THM precursor loading, for example, could lead
to significant errors in the load prediction. In addition, high correlation
between DOC and THMFP is not expected for samples from less homogeneous areas
that contain diverse sources of DOC.
The linear relation between UVA and THMFP (fig. 17,
R2=0.702) for the lysimeter, the piezometer, and the drainage ditch
samples also is good. Because UVA is an indicator of DOC aromaticity and
aromatic forms of DOC are considered primary THM precursors (Rook, 1976, 1977;
Reckow and others, 1990), the higher correlation between THMFP and DOC
(R2=0.864), compared to that for THMFP and UVA, was not expected. The
THMFP and UVA data normalized to carbon were not linearly correlated
(R2=0.156) (fig. 18). Specific
THMFP (THMFP/DOC or STHMFP) provides an indication of the average potential for
the carbon in a sample to form THMs, a measure of the potential THM precursor
content on a molar basis normalized to carbon. The generally accepted model for
THM formation is that the primary THM precursors are aromatic forms of carbon
(such as resorcinol), in which case a strong linear relation is expected between
STHMFP and SUVA. The lack of correlation between STHMFP and SUVA suggests that a
more detailed assessment of aromatic compound species may help to better
identify THM precursor compounds, and that forms of DOC other than aromatic
compounds also may be significant THM precursors in these samples.
Upper and Lower Soil ZonesComparisons of THMFP for whole-water samples
collected from the lysimeters (USZ) and the piezometers (LSZ) are limited
because of the paucity of lysimeter THMFP data. As mentioned earlier in this
report, the lysimeters produced insufficient volumes of water for THMFP
analysis; even during irrigation, obtaining sufficient sample volume for THMFP
analysis was difficult. Samples were obtained from all lysimeters for THM
analyses during the September 4, 1996, sampling by plugging the irrigation spud
ditch so that irrigation water backed up in the ditch system and partially
flooded the field.
The THMFP results for the lysimeter (fig. 19) and the
piezometer (fig.
20) samples generally followed trends similar to the lysimeter and the
piezometer DOC results (figs. 7 and 10) over the course
of this study. This similarity also is reflected by the correlation between DOC
and THMFP (R2=0.864) (fig. 16). The same
processes affecting the release of DOC from the USZ and the LSZ, as discussed in
the Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations section of this report, also affect
the release of THM precursors.
No significant difference (a=0.05) was observed between the median
concentrations of THMFP for the lysimeter (5,950 痢/L) and the piezometer (6,750
痢/L) samples. The STHMFP medians for lysimeters [9.02 micromolars per
millimolar (然/mM)] and piezometers (9.84 然/mM) also were not significantly
different (a=0.05). This result is in contrast to DOC, for which concentrations
of piezometer DOC were significantly greater than lysimeter DOC. The smaller
number of lysimeter samples (17) analyzed for THMFP, relative to the piezometer
samples (42), may not accurately represent the seasonal variability of USZ
water. The lysimeter samples analyzed for THMFP were mainly from wetter periods
during the year (winter flooding and irrigation) when the USZ is relatively
saturated, and results may have been influenced by near-saturated soil moisture
conditions that are similar to those in the LSZ.
Trihalomethane Formation Potential of Isolated FractionsThe THMFP of
isolated XAD-8 (HPOA) and XAD-4 (HPIA) DOC fractions were measured using a
modified reactivity-based method similar to the method used by the DWR Bryte
Laboratory (Krasner and Sclimenti, 1993) that produced the reactivity-based
THMFP data discussed at the beginning of this section. The method is described
in detail in appendix D
and differs from the DWR Bryte Laboratory method in two ways: (1) the pH of the
incubation was buffered to pH 7.0 instead of pH 8.2, and (2) the temperature was
maintained at 20C instead of 25C. These differences in the reactivity-based
THMFP methods caused an apparent systematic difference in THMFP results. Figure 21 shows the
relation between THMFP results for the whole-water samples analyzed by both
methods. In general, the results from the two methods are linearly correlated
(R2=0.806), and the THMFP concentrations from the method buffered to
pH 8.2 (25蚓) were about twice those of the method buffered to pH 7.0 (20蚓).
Many investigators have shown that THMFP measurements are highly pH dependent
(Rook, 1974; Symons and others, 1975; Rathbun, 1996), THMFP concentration
increasing with increasing pH. Differences in temperature also will affect
THMFP, with more volatile THM species being produced at the higher temperature.
Thus, the effects of differences in these two variables help to explain the
differences in THMFP results in figure 21 for the two methods.
In this section of the report, results from the modified reactivity-based
THMFP method (pH 7.0, 20蚓) for whole-water samples are used for comparison
purposes because the DOC-isolate samples were analyzed using only this method.
Although results using this modified method differ from results for the other
reactivity-based method (pH 8.2, 25追C) and the dose-based THMFP method, THMFP
comparisons between whole-water samples and DOC-isolate samples require using
data obtained by the same method.
As described in appendix D,
DOC isolates (XAD-8 and XAD-4) were redissolved and the resulting solutions
analyzed for THMFP and SUVA. Therefore, STHMFP was used to compare the
whole-water and the isolate data. Figure 22 shows
that the STHMFP of the HPOA fraction was greater than that for the HPIA fraction
for five of the seven samples analyzed. But the median STHMFP value for the HPOA
fractions [43.8 micrograms per milligram (mg/mg)] was not significantly greater
(a=0.05) than that for the HPIA fractions (41.7 痢/mg). This result was not
expected because it is generally thought that the humic fraction (HPOA) contains
most of the THM and DBP precursors (Owen and others, 1993). For these samples,
almost equivalent amounts of STHMFP were observed for both humic (XAD-8) and
nonhumic (XAD-4) fractions. Owen and others (1993) observed similar results for
seven source waters from throughout the United States. They found that the
reactivity of the nonhumic and humic fractions were similar and state that this
result "is somewhat contrary to conventional wisdom ... namely that it is the
humic fraction that serves as DBP precursor material."
The SUVA of the HPOA fractions is significantly higher (a=0.05) than that for
the HPIA fractions (fig. 23),
indicating greater aromaticity of this DOC fraction. The greater aromaticity of
the HPOA fraction compared to the HPIA fraction is apparent in figure 24, where
the 13C-NMR data clearly indicate the greater aromatic composition of
the HPOA isolates compared to the HPIA isolates. The 13C-NMR data
provide solid evidence that supports the use of SUVA as an indicator of DOC
aromaticity for samples in this study.
The relatively small differences in STHMFP between the HPOA and HPIA
fractions (fig.
22) did not reflect the significantly greater aromaticity of the HPOA
fraction over that of the HPIA fraction (fig. 24). It is
generally thought that the HPOA fraction contains most of the aromatic forms of
carbon, which is supported by data in figure 22, and that
aromatic forms of carbon are the primary THM precursors (Rook, 1976, 1977;
Reckhow and others, 1990). Even though the HPOA fraction was higher in aromatic
composition (fig.
24) and carbon (fig. 14) compared
to the HPIA fraction, the THMFP concentration contributed by the HPOA fraction
was not significantly greater than that contributed by the HPIA fraction (fig. 22). This
result indicates that DOC aromaticity alone cannot fully explain or predict THM
precursor content.
Water exported from the Delta is
an important drinking-water source for more than 20 million people in
California. This water has been shown to contain elevated concentrations of
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and bromide (Br). If this water is chlorinated
for drinking, it can, at times, exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency's maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.100 mg/L for trihalomethanes
(THMs). An estimated 20 to 50 percent of the THM precursors in Delta water
exported at the H.O. Banks pumping plant for drinking water originates from
elevated concentrations of DOC in drainage water from peat soils on Delta
islands. This cooperative study between the U.S. Geological Survey's Drinking
Water Initiative and California Department of Water Resources was undertaken to
elucidate some of the factors affecting and processes controlling the
concentration and quality of DOC released from peat soils and to relate the
chemical composition of DOC to its propensity to form THMs. Knowledge and
understanding of the factors that affect and processes that control the release
of DOC and THM precursors from Delta soils is a necessary first step in the
development of management alternatives to reduce THM precursor loads from Delta
The generally accepted conceptual model for THM formation assumes that
aromatic forms of carbon (such as resorcinol) are primary precursors to THMs.
Natural environments with reducing conditions, such as peat bogs and
water-logged soils, tend to produce greater amounts of aromatic DOC compared to
well-oxygenated environments. Thus, one of the principal hypotheses of this
study was that the reduced peat soils beneath the shallow ground water on Delta
islands would have a tendency to release greater amounts of aromatic carbon (THM
precursors) relative to near-surface oxidized peat soils. To test this
hypothesis, soil water was sampled from near-surface, oxidized, well-decomposed
peat soil in the upper soil zone (USZ) and deeper, reduced, fibrous peat soil in
the lower soil zone (LSZ) from one agricultural field in the west-central Delta.
Soil redox conditions also are influenced by water-management
practices--irrigation and intentional flooding of fields and drainage ditch
depths that help control ground-water levels. Therefore, results from this study
have implications for potential management alternatives to reduce production of
THM precursors in Delta drainage water.
The general approach of the study was to examine the chemical variability of
DOC samples from the USZ and the LSZ during a 1-year period. The chemical
character of the DOC was related to its propensity to form THMs while taking
into consideration the effects of redox conditions and land- and
water-management practices on the biogeochemical processes affecting the release
of DOC from the soils.
The analytical approach to the study involved analysis of whole-water samples
for DOC, ultraviolet absorbance (UVA) at 254 nm, trihalomethane formation
potential (THMFP), and various inorganic constituents. Considerable focus was
given to the aromaticity of carbon in whole-water samples and isolated carbon
fractions as indicators of THM precursor content. The quality of the DOC was
evaluated by first examining the whole-water specific UVA (SUVA, UVA/DOC) as an
indication of DOC aromaticity. Whole-water DOC was isolated and fractionated
into hydrophobic acid (HPOA) using XAD-8 resin and hydrophilic acid (HPIA) using
XAD-4 resin, where the HPOA fraction contains the more aromatic humic and fulvic
acids and the HPIA fraction contains the less aromatic and more aliphatic forms
of carbon. The amount of DOC isolated on these columns, the proportion of HPOA
and HPIA, as well as analysis of the intrinsic chemical structure of the
isolates by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR), all
provided insight into the processes controlling the aromaticity of a sample.
Selected isolates from XAD fractionations were further analyzed for THMFP and
related to SUVA values of the isolates and to the more quantitative
13C-NMR measure of aromatic carbon, which also provided further DOC
structural and functional group information. Isolate THMFPs were interpreted in
terms of isolate properties (SUVA and 13C-NMR results) to assess the
reactivity of HPOA and HPIA fractions in relation to their composition, source,
and factors affecting DOC production under the conditions studied.
- Waters from the anaerobic LSZ contained slightly higher concentrations of
DOC and greater amounts of humic material than waters from the aerobic USZ,
indicating that carbon released from peat soils under anaerobic conditions is
a substantial contributor to DOC and that the quality of the DOC released from
the two zones differs.
- DOC in waters from the LSZ contained a higher proportion of aromatic
compounds, the putative THM precursors, than that from the USZ.
- DOC in waters from the drainage ditch were compositionally more similar to
the DOC in waters from the LSZ than that from the USZ, suggesting the major
source of DOC in ditch water was the LSZ.
- DOC aromaticity alone cannot explain fully or predict THM precursor
content. This finding indicates that:
- UVA is not a suitable tool for predicting THMFP in these waters because
this measurement is most sensitive for aromatic carbon.
- Processes other than those that control bulk aromatic carbon content
control THM precursor concentrations in these waters, which explains the
historical observation that on a regional basis, there is a poor correlation
between UVA and THMFP on a carbon-normalized basis.
- The highest DOC levels, the highest variability in DOC, and the highest
THMFP levels followed summer irrigation and winter flooding periods, which
suggests that repetitive cycles of wetting and drying promotes the release of
DOC and THM precursors in these soils.
Summary of Supporting Observations
Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations
- DOC concentrations in the oxidized USZ were highly variable. For the
oxidized USZ, median DOC for lysimeter samples ranged from 46.4 to 83.2 mg/L.
Variations in DOC are attributable to effects of water-management practices
(flooding and irrigation) and precipitation on microbial soil processes and
subsequent release and transport of DOC.
- DOC concentrations in the reduced LSZ were generally slightly higher than
that from the USZ. Median DOC for the reduced LSZ (piezometer samples) ranged
from 49.3 to 82.3 mg/L and were significantly higher (a=0.05) than DOC from
the USZ. In general (1) variations in piezometer DOC, at times, apparently
were caused by drainage from soils above; and (2) the lowest and most variable
concentrations of DOC are associated with the irrigation period, during which
the drop in specific conductance of samples clearly indicated dilution of
ground water by irrigation water.
- DOC concentrations in the ditch draining the field were always lower than
the median DOC for either USZ or LSZ waters for all sampling dates, ranging
from 9.8 to 54.9 mg/L. Lower values are consistent with mixing of waters from
several different sources, including lower DOC irrigation waters.
Interpretation of ditch DOC is complicated by the multiple sources of water
and DOC that contribute to the drainage ditch throughout the year.
Quality and Composition of Dissolved Organic Carbon
- The DOC from the LSZ had significantly higher (a=0.05) aromaticity than
the USZ as measured by SUVA. This indicates that the deeper, more reduced
fibrous peat releases more aromatic forms of carbon compared to the
near-surface, oxidized decomposed peat.
- Isolation of DOC as HPOA (XAD-8) and HPIA (XAD-4) fractions accounted for
58 to 76 percent of the total DOC, demonstrating that our analytical scheme
accounted for the majority of DOC in all samples.
- The sum of the HPOA and HPIA DOC fractions were significantly greater
(a=0.05) for piezometer samples compared to lysimeter samples, indicating that
the lysimeter samples contained more forms of DOC not retained and eluted by
the resins (probably ultra-hydrophilic acids).
- Water from the LSZ contained more humic materials than that from the USZ.
Piezometer samples had greater HPOA fractions (humic substances) compared to
those in lysimeter samples, were richer in the more aromatic HPOA, and were in
agreement with SUVA results for whole-water samples. These results support the
conclusion that more aromatic forms of DOC are produced under anaerobic
conditions compared to aerobic conditions.
- The composition of the drainage ditch samples, as indicated by the HPOA
and HPIA distributions, closely resembled that of the piezometer samples,
potentially reflecting a greater DOC contribution to the ditch from the LSZ.
- DOC isolated in the HPOA fraction was more aromatic than that isolated in
the HPIA fraction. For the seven DOC samples isolated and fractionated, the
SUVA of the HPOA isolates was significantly higher (a=0.05) than the SUVA for
the HPIA isolates, denoting greater aromaticity of the HPOA fractions relative
to the HPIA fractions. This difference is explicitly demonstrated by the
13C-NMR data, which clearly show greater aromatic carbon composition of the
HPOA isolates in comparison to that of the HPIA isolates.
Trihalomethane Formation
- DOC concentration, THMFP, and UVA were all highly related. Linear
correlations were found between THMFP and DOC (R2=0.864) and THMFP and UVA
(R2=0.702) for samples from lysimeters, piezometers, and the ditch, indicating
that THM precursors increased with increasing DOC and UVA for whole-water
- In contrast, no significant correlation was found between STHMFP
(THMFP/DOC) and SUVA, indicating that no significant relation exists between
carbon aromaticity and THMFP on a carbon basis. This result suggests that a
more detailed assessment of aromatic compound species may help to better
identify THM precursor compounds and that forms of DOC other than aromatic
compounds also may be significant THM precursors in these samples.
- There is no consistent difference in the capacity of USZ and LSZ waters to
form THMs. Even though median values of THMFP and STHMFP were greater for
piezometer samples (6,750 mg/L and 9.84 mM/mM, respectively) compared to those
for lysimeter samples (5,950 mg/L and 9.02 mM/mM, respectively), the
differences were not significant (a=0.05). A smaller number of lysimeter
samples (17) were analyzed relative to piezometer samples (42) because of lack
of available water in the USZ during dry parts of the year when the field was
not irrigated. Thus, results from the lysimeter samples may not be
representative of THM precursor release from the USZ throughout the year.
- The aromaticity of DOC appears to be unrelated to THMFP on a
carbon-normalized basis. Although the HPOA fractions were obviously more
aromatic than the HPIA fractions, the median STHMFP for the HPOA isolates
(43.8 mg/mg) was not significantly greater (a=0.05) than the median for the
HPIA isolates (41.7 mg/mg). This result again emphasizes that DOC aromaticity
alone cannot explain fully or predict THM precursor content and that further
investigation of aromatic and nonaromatic forms of carbon will be needed to
better identify THM precursors.
Other Significant Observations
- The anaerobic redox condition of the LSZ was characterized by extremely
low dissolved oxygen (<0.38 mg/L) and platinum-electrode redox potentials
(<310 mV) indicative of anoxic conditions.
- Twenty-one water samples analyzed for THMFP using the dose-based method
and the reactivity-based method were linearly correlated
(R2=0.983), with the dose-based results consistently 11 percent
greater than the reactivity-based results, indicating no dilution effect
problem for the dose-based method for these samples.
Implications of Study ResultsThroughout the year of study (February
1996-January 1997), slightly higher concentrations of DOC with greater
aromaticity were released from the LSZ soils, suggesting that using shallower
ditches to drain fields may decrease concentrations of DOC in the ditch.
Additionally, although variable, the highest DOC concentrations from the USZ
soils occurred during and soon after the period when the field was flooded
(winter) or irrigated (summer). These higher DOC concentrations are mainly
attributable to enhanced microbial activity resulting from soil wetting and
drying cycles. This irrigation period is coincident with relatively low Delta
channel flows, so the effect of potentially high DOC concentrations in the USZ
during irrigation may have a magnified effect on DOC loads released to the
channels from irrigation drainage. An important distinction is that these
observations are concentration related and do not reflect the load of precursor
released by the soil over time. Determination of loads was not within the scope
of this study.
The DOC and aromaticity of LSZ samples generally were greater than those of
the USZ samples, but no significant differences were found for THMFP results for
samples from the two zones over the annual cycle. Data from this study suggest
that aromaticity alone is not an accurate indicator of THM precursors. This
result implies that THM precursors do not arise from the same source as most of
the aromaticity; thus, a more accurate indicator of THMFP than UVA is needed for
screening water quality in the Delta.
Another implication is that the processes that concentrate THM precursors are
not significantly affected by redox conditions and appear to be unrelated to the
processes that concentrate aromatic DOC in the LSZ. This finding explains why
there is no observed general regional relation between SUVA and THMFP in Delta
waters. This lack of relation is likely related to the type of organic material
released by peat soils, and care should be exercised in extrapolating this
finding to other locations. Also, this finding is based on concentration
measurements and may not be true for the total amount (loads) of precursors
released from the soils. However, if studies confirm the finding on a regional
basis, it may be possible to directly identify the source of the THM precursors
and to seek a remedy for high THM precursor concentrations in Delta waters.
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